The last couple of months have flown by, and with construction still going on and business booming, a bit of my world has been turned on it's ear. I keep telling myself, and it's true, that this is comparatively minimal sacrifice for much greater gain. I may feel like tearing my hair out now...but it will be worth it in the end (even if that means having to invest in a few wigs).
A lot of cool things have been happening, and one of them is being contacted by a great local gallery in Rochester, Michigan called Paint Creek Center for the Arts, which will be featuring some of my items in their annual gift gallery. I feel honored to be chosen as one of their artists and am looking forward to the opening on the 19th. My items will be displayed through to the end of the year, so if you are in the area, please stop by and check it out. Make sure to keep up on all the happenings via my facebook page.
I am very careful to avoid topics such as religion and politics in my blog, but mentioning the gallery brings me to the idea of buying local. In the atmosphere of unrest in the economy and people world wide asking for, even demanding, answers and accountability, I want to really encourage all of you to consider doing a significant amount of your holiday shopping supporting small businesses and local establishments that are not owned by big corporations. I know it is a tough thing to do in this current economy, but it will help bring the money back to where it can actually benefit immediately in the lives of the people who live in your community and country during this holiday season. I have a large international customer base, so I am not specifying only US. It really is a world-wide dilemma.
I have been really thinking about how I can make a direct impact as well. As many of you know from previous blogs, we have significant storm damage to our home, and are in the process of repair/restoration. I will be posting more about my boy's bedroom very soon. We have had a lot of fun deciding how to design the space. One thing I have tried very hard to do is make sure that all the artwork is either mine or purchased direct from the artist on Etsy. As I blog about the process, I hope you will follow the links and get to know this talented group as well. It really pushed me to start looking at what I was buying, and to re-think what each imprint of each item I buy on our economy and on our environment. I love to recycle and upcycle, and while I did break down and visit IKEA, Target, and Walmart for other items, simply because of our budget, I made a huge effort to make sure each purchase was very consciously done. I have decided to apply that to the Christmas purchases this year. I look forward to sharing with you the process of rebuilding, not just my house, but my purchasing mindset.
Have a WONDERFUL week!